Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Auto Insurance

A few weeks ago, I had a conversation with my old friend; he is a driver for a doctor. He told me that he drives fancy cars; he said that it is amazing but scary. And I ask him why it is amazing but scary? He explained that those cars don’t have any insurance. And I can understand why it is so scary to drive a car doesn’t have any auto insurance, especially fancy car. So, what is auto insurance?
Auto insurance is a type of insurance which covers the cost of car damage and bodily injury sustained by its member and/or damage sustained by other involved parties. Varying policies may offer from Auto Insurance companies, certain restriction of specific damage covered will be included on the policy, and of course on what percent of respective damage will be covered. Auto Insurance companies offer a spectrum of different policies that cater to various needs. Member can choose which policy they need incorporates the specific types of coverage their looking for. The most common and legally type of coverage is known as liability. Liability coverage provides compensation to the subject to bodily harm and damages. Every driver is legally obligated to have liability coverage.
Another common type of coverage is known as collision coverage. Its mean, your insurance company agrees to give compensation for damages sustained by your vehicle as a result of a collision with another car object.
The last coverage is comprehensive coverage, a member’s vehicle is covered in the event that is sustains damage from fire, hail, earth quake etc.
It is very important for the owners of the vehicles to have a basic understanding of how auto insurance works and where their money goes as they send it off to their insurance company.


  1. Hhmmm,....bisa beli bumbu dapur lagi neh.....masak2...undang para blogger seantero jagad...!!! Kwakk..kkk.....

  2. Wah repOt juga Bca punya akang Nh...

    Tapi gpp lah sekalian bljar b.inggris, hehehe

  3. salam hangat malam hari. sayang saya tdk bisa contreng hari ini. nyepam lagi

  4. ada bau dollar deh disini..met ripiu

  5. cekriiiing....
    dollar berbunyi

  6. sebelum tdr menyempatkan jalan2 ketempat sodara

  7. siiip bang reviewnya...sukses selalu ya...

  8. sukses buat ripiu nya kang :)

  9. Waduh q kesulitan baca dah klu udah pake english language...but now i will try to read your post..(halah)pagi mas

  10. ella minta traktirannya aja deh hehheheh.....

  11. reviewnya mantap,... meskipun nggak paham artinya,...
    Bahasa Linggis,.... Transtool di Otak saya terserang virus.

  12. Wah luar biasa yaa bahasannya, kadang kalau mikir pas bayar sih berat, tapi dpd resiko yaa mending diasuransikan, saya berusaha ikut yang syariah (takaful)

  13. reading again cause belom mudeng

  14. mantap reviewnya..moga sukses selalu..


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