Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Think about web directory to develop your business

I am sure that everybody wants to make their business develop as much as they can. Nowadays, to develop their business, some people would like to use the Internet. They make some websites to display their products and promote them. When they launch their website, I am sure that they do not have any visitors yet, and that’s mean they do not have any customer yet to purchase their products. To solve their problems, some people using web directory to be the alternative promoting their sites. What is Web Directory? Web Directory is a web site contains links to another website, but Web Directory is completely different from search engine. In the search engine we use optional keywords to search something, but in the web directory we use category and subcategory to find what we need.
The other thing about web directory that makes different from search engine is the submissions. The web directories often allow the owners of the web site to submit their web site directly for inclusion, something that we cannot find in the search engines. When we use web directories, we can choose between one to another, free web directory or paid web directory. There are so many web directories in the internet you can use to get your site popular, such as Max Directory, BOTW, business.com and many more. But, do not forget that the famous web directory such as yahoo directory could be the good weapon to help your site very popular, because everybody knows yahoo or maybe another famous name according to the number of their visitor.
In fact, submitting in the web directories can help you increase the numbers of your visitors. Just like the offline store, if nobody come and see your merchandise, how can they know how good or how unique of your merchandise. So, the best way to make a sale is to make people come and see your merchandise, and after they know about your merchandise, some of them will buy, and the business is running.


  1. ronda malam kerumah sahabat neh

  2. yuk saya dukung reviewnya mas...

  3. coba aja punya bisnis sendiri... hhh

    he en... yg kapan hari dini hari di warnet karena ada 'dia' hehhe

  4. berkunjung malam sahabat sambil baca baca..
    dan tinggalkan jejak

  5. Artikelnya mantap, nggak bisa koment. Transtol diotak aku lagi terserang virus.
    Ada Award di tempat saya, mohon dijemput.


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